Good Morning Sky

there ain’t nothing like the sky for me.

the way the moon greets me at dawn - reminding me even the darkest nights give way.

the way the clouds create masterpieces that dance all day long - reminding me change is ever present & safe.

the way the sun illuminates the world with the glows of fire - reminding me that heat is good and necessary.

the way the birds speckle it with movement - reminding me that i am allowed to be free.

the way the colors paint their own stories, some before anyone ever wakes up - reminding me no matter who sees their beauty still exists.

isn’t it crazy we are all under the same sky - the same moon - the same sun and yet we all see it different. we all have our very unique vantage point.


good morning moon

good morning sun

you seem so small yet you change everything - everyday.

let me be more like you with light, masterpieces, warmth, freedom, understanding and change.

thanks for the lessons.

Shelbi HalesComment