
I spend a lot of time thinking. 

A lot of time trying




The more I think the more I realize. 

I realize the unhealthy amount of effort I have put into being significant. 

Significant means sufficiently great or important. to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

Hmm, interesting. 

So much of my life has been spent trying to be noteworthy - to you, to me, to strangers. 

To random people passing through me with little intention, never hoping to cling to my bones. 

Have you believed this lie? The lie that unless you are doing something significant, unless people view you as significant, you are simply not. 

And in this vast world, feeling insignificant is a curse of its own. 

I don’t know if this is something only I feel, as I know my thoughts welcome me like tidal waves of blue heavy water. 

But as I get older I am unlearning and relearning -

All of the things that I spent too long being convinced of. 

Who told me that significance was synonymous with awe-inspiring? 

When did I start believing that great and worthy of attention had anything to do with others?

You see, significance is not something you achieve. It is something you have. Something you are.  

Something that was established before the beginning of time by the ultimate craftsman. 

There is significance in the existence of you. 

In the way you wake up and the way your body moves. 

There is significance in the heart that is healing and the mind that is creating. 

There is significance in the wonder of your words and the echo of your voice. 

Significance isn’t something big, but rather all the tiny little moments of life. The moments we too often overlook. The ones we pass by.

Today I have found significance in the way the wind tousled my hair and the way the birds greeted me with music. The way my nephew smiled at the sound of my call and the way my grandma spoke life into me.

These are the moments that make me who I am.

The everyday. The small. The in-between. Slowly working together to create me. 

So when you feel unloved, invisible, powerless, broken, defeated - I want you to remember that you are…You. 

Created with purpose. 

And that is significant. You are significant. 

Without the accomplishments. Without the medals. Without the people clapping. Without the title. Without any of the things the world tells you you need to be somebody.

You. Me. Strangers. 


Exactly as we are.


your friend in feeling

Shelbi HalesComment