Why Not Me?


Excitement. Joy. Laughter. Newness. Peace. Trust.  

The words above describe my current state of mind.

I once lived in a world where I regularly asked, “Why Me?”

Some do this during the storms of their life, but I had a habit of asking during my successes. Why did I deserve this? Why did they choose me? Why did God trust me?

I questioned everything, wondering if I was capable and worthy of the tasks placed before me. I doubted myself and my abilities. I feared placing my full trust in God. Somehow, I got it in my head that someone else’s work would be more treasured than mine. Someone else’s love would be more fulfilling than mine. Someone else’s dreams were more purposeful than mine. I became complacent and okay with comfort. I truly feared my full potential. So, I would do what I became accustomed to and passed up opportunity and emotions to protect myself in the face of possible failure and to see others shine.

I wish you could understand how absolutely wrong I was. That is why I am writing this, because I know I am not alone. I am certain many of you battle insecurity in the face of opportunity. I am sure many of you question the blessings God brought into your life out of fear. A lack of self confidence does not harm anyone but the person in the mirror staring back at you.  

I am here to tell you that I am more than capable. You are more than capable.

One day, I was at lunch with my mentor sharing my heart and dreams. I remember saying to her, “I just don’t get it Ms. Ro, why would they pick me? I am goofy 23-year-old who is gluing the pieces of her life back together. I don’t have anything to offer.”

She looked at me in the most sincere and loving way and said three words that changed my thought pattern. She whispered, “Shelbi, Why NOT You?”

These words shook my core, challenged my beliefs, and stretched my mind.

The freedom I felt was overwhelming.


Worthiness poured over me.  She saw me. He sent people to expose to my wrecked heart my full potential. God used my weakness to grow my greatest purpose. Since that day, I have walked forward in peace of God’s plan for me while embracing opportunity, joy, and love with open arms. I know my passions and will pursue them with intention and power. 

We need to recognize that we are worthy of a beautiful life, exciting opportunity, and a rewarding future. The more we ask, “Why Me?” the more stuck we become.

We self-sabotage because it is easier than failing. We accept lies about ourselves because we are terrified of truly living. We push opportunities away because we think our worthiness does not match up.

All of that stops right now. No more half way believing in yourself. No more accepting less than you deserve. No more “Why Me?”  Want to know why? BECAUSE WHY NOT YOU. You are a beautifully created human capable and worthy of love, success, adventure, and a life full of purpose.

There is freedom in having faith in yourself. A freedom that is undeniable and so very attainable.

I am done wondering if I am enough. I am more than enough.

So are you.

Walk into that interview with your head held high. Accept that position with confidence. Enjoy that person with peace. Start believing that freedom will come when you start asking, “Why Not Me?”


“It is time to start fighting for yourself, believing in yourself, becoming more yourself. Take every opportunity head on with confidence. This is your chance.”
— Shelbi Hales
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